Dear beloved faithful people, friends, supporters, and donors of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox School of Theology: Christ is Risen - Truly Christ is Risen!

Celebrating the most joyous feast of the Resurrection of Christ, as Orthodox Christians, we confess and convey to all humanity the joyful message of eternal life and victory over death. This Feast of Feasts reminds us that life is stronger than death, that hope is stronger than despair, and that love is stronger than all hatred. Precisely for this reason, the Resurrection of Christ teaches us that the resurrected Christ is our Fortress, Friend, and Savior, who through the mystery of the Cross and Resurrection defeated death and opened the way to eternal life.
Today, modern man is increasingly faced with the existential question about the meaning and significance of life. In the search for a proper answer, he tries to find his meaning in achieving temporary values and his fulfillment in his self-realization and temporary satisfaction. Unfortunately, in this arena of life, where people struggle with the desire for personal fulfillment, many do not find the true meaning of the purpose of their lives and the realization of their goals. Very often we forget that the true meaning of purpose and goals in our lives cannot be found outside the Church and the unity with the Risen Christ. A person finds true joy in life in unity with others, in respect and love for family members, as well as in the realization of the virtues that we acquire in the Church of God. In today’s time, events in the modern world clearly show us that the realization and acquisition of the virtues of tolerance and patience are most needed by Man. These two virtues are connected, and one complements the other. Through events in the family, school, parish, daily chores, and various daily trials, we learn that we cannot feel the Christian joy of life and acquire the virtue of patience without tolerance toward other human beings. Tolerance, endurance, and patience give birth to salvation. Christ confirmed this to us by saying: "but he that endureth to the end shall be saved" (Mt. 10:22).
During these joyful and festive days, we send a message to all donors, friends and graduated students of the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox School of Theology, that through tolerance, endurance, and patience we may continue to do good deeds of love and mercy, to be better people and to try to spread peace and love and to enrich ourselves with faith in the resurrected Christ. The path of worry, stress, fear, mutually disturbed relationships, and division is not our Christian path. The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ reminds us that we were created and called to achieve higher goals in this world and that eternity and impermanence is our Christian path that leads us toward our salvation and eternal life with the living God.
In this festive celebration, we ask all of you to support the decades long mission of our St. Sava Serbian Orthodox School of Theology. You can send your Easter donation by mail (32377 N. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, IL 60048) or make an electronic/card payment securely by clicking on the button below.
We joyfully greet you: Christ is Risen – Indeed He is Risen!
Very Rev. Dr. Aleksandar Novakovic, dean